Past Tense Of Have, Past Participle Form of Have, Have Had Had V1 V2 V3
Table of Contents
Past Tense of Have
In this course, we will examine the V2 and V3 States of the verb ‘have‘ in detail. In English, the verb ‘have’ is used to achieve something and find something. It is used as ‘has’ with he, she, it; ‘has’ with other subjects. We use the auxiliary verb ‘don’t’ when making this verb negative. With he, she, it ‘doesn’t have’; with other subjects, ‘don’t have’ is used. The auxiliary verb ‘do’ is used when making a question. With he, she, it ‘does … have’; with other subjects ‘do … have’ is used.
This verb means own, hold, or possession.
Base Form Examples
- I have a bag.
- She has three notebooks.
- My teachers have a cat.
- I don’t have a brother.
V2 Past Simple
The V2 version of the verb ‘have’ is ‘had.’ It is used in the same way as all subjects. The negative is ‘did not have ‘; the question is’ did have’.
- I had five tickets for the cinema.
Verb + Preposition IN List in English
Verb + Preposition ABOUT List in English
Verb + Preposition FOR List in English
Verb + Preposition FROM List in English
V3 Past Participle
Since the verb ‘have ‘is irregular, the V3 version used in conjunction with perfect tenses is ‘had‘. Mostly you need to know the V2 and V3 States of this verb very well.
- I have had the this car for two years.
- Tommy hasn’t had a car.
V1Base Form | V2Simple Past | V3Past Participle |
be | was, were | been |
beat | beat | beaten |
become | became | become |
begin | began | begun |
bend | bent | bent |
bet | bet | bet |
bid | bid | bid |
bite | bit | bitten |
break | broke | broken |
bring | brought | brought |
buy | bought | bought |
catch | caught | caught |
choose | chose | chosen |
come | came | come |
cost | cost | cost |
cut | cut | cut |
dig | dug | dug |
do | did | done |
draw | drew | drawn |
drive | drove | driven |
drink | drank | drunk |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
feel | felt | felt |
fight | fought | fought |
find | found | found |
fly | flew | flown |
forget | forgot | forgotten |
forgive | forgave | forgiven |
freeze | froze | frozen |
give | gave | given |
go | went | gone |
grow | grew | grown |
hang | hung | hung |
have | had | had |
hear | heard | heard |
hide | hid | hidden |
hit | hit | hit |
hold | held | held |
hurt | hurt | hurt |
V1Base Form | V2Simple Past | V3Past Participle |
keep | kept | kept |
know | knew | known |
lay | laid | laid |
lead | led | led |
leave | left | left |
lend | lent | lent |
lie | lay | lain |
lose | lost | lost |
make | made | made |
mean | meant | meant |
meet | met | met |
pay | paid | paid |
put | put | put |
read | read | read |
ride | rode | ridden |
ring | rang | rung |
rise | rose | risen |
run | ran | run |
say | said | said |
see | saw | seen |
sell | sold | sold |
send | sent | sent |
shut | shut | shut |
sink | sank | sunk |
sit | sat | sat |
sleep | slept | slept |
speak | spoke | spoken |
spend | spent | spent |
stand | stood | stood |
stink | stank | stunk |
swim | swam | swum |
take | took | taken |
teach | taught | taught |
tear | tore | torn |
tell | told | told |
wake | woke | woken |
wear | wore | worn |
win | won | won |
write | wrote | written |