100 Interrogative Sentence Example, Definition and Sentences

100 Interrogative Sentence Example, Definition and Sentences

Interrogative Sentences

Do you know anything about science? How did science emerge in the history of humankind? What was the main motivation for it? We can answer this question just by a keyword. Curiosity. The curiosity of humanity was the main factor of science, as the outcome, progression. So, how human beings express their curiosity? Of course, by a series of questioning. What is the logic behind the existence of us? How societies live better? What is the most virtuous method of living? These questions paved the way through modern science. Today we will be examining how to ask questions in English. In other words, how to use interrogative sentences in English.

What are the interrogative sentences?

Interrogative sentences are the sentences that are used to ask questions. Through these questions, people express their curiosity in any area.

The aim of an interrogative sentence:

Interrogative sentences are made to receive an answer. In other words, interrogative sentences are the questions that are directly asked. So, the answers should be direct answers such as statements.

How to make interrogative sentences?

There are three methods to make interrogative sentences. The common feature of them the usage of auxiliary verbs. Let’s see how you make interrogative sentences.

  • “Do/Does + Subject + Verb + Object + interrogative mark (?)”
  • “To Be (Was/Were or Am/Is/Are) + Subject + Verb + Object + interrogative mark (?)”
  • “When/Why/What/How/Where + Do/Does or Was/Were or Am/Is/Are + Subject + Verb + Object + interrogative mark (?)”

Examples for Interrogative Sentences:

  • Why does it always rain on me?
  • Tell me, where did you sleep last night?
  • Will you come to marry me while your lips are still red?
  • I can’t believe it! Oh, my darling what have I done to us. Please, forgive me.
  • Are you awake? You are like swimming in the Caribbean. Where is your mind, brother?
  • Excuse me, do you know when the wild wind blows?
  • What will we do to the people who died alone? This is a tragedy.
  • The answer, will you keep me in your heart?
  • Sir, do you know how to disappear completely? He said.
  • Hey beautiful lady, tell me, where do you live?
  • Aren’t we all the characters of a tale that was not right? Isn’t it?


  • How do they dare to damage your feelings, darling?
  • Sometimes don’t you feel like you are falling from the edge of space?
  • Is it the night that makes me sad? Or am I the one who waits for the night to become sad?
  • Do you know how to cook a steak in its ideal form?
  • Who is the author of the best-seller book “Fight Club”?
  • What is politics?
  • What is the military alliance formed to stand against the Warsaw Pact?
  • Who is the lead actor of the famous TV series called “Californication”?
  • Which musician is the founder and bassist of the legendary heavy metal band “Iron Maiden”?
  • How would you integrate the countries around the world if you want to form a Kantian World Society?

Here are other example sentences

When: When will you visit your moms?

Where: Where do you live?

Why: Why haven’t you started studying?

What: Used for inanimate objects in a question sentence.

For example; What kind of music do you want to dance to?

Which: It is generally used when asking questions about a choice.

For example; Which car would make you happier?

Which subject do you want to start before studying?

Which do you prefer, white or red?

Who: used for people in the question sentence.

For example; Who finished your meal today, raise your hands?

Whom: Used for individuals in the question sentence.

For example; Whom did you call to the party tomorrow?

Whose: Used for individuals in the question sentence.

For example; Whose is this red big notebook?

Whose pants are these?

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