Connectors of Summary, Definition and Example Sentences
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After all
After all means “finally”, “in the end”.
Example Sentence;
Maybe it’s not such a bad situation after all.
Michael ended up marrying Alex after all.
In general
In general means “generally”, “usually”.
Example Sentence;
In general, I agree with my boss.
In general, I am pleased with my situation.
In other word
In other word means “explain it more clearly”.
Example Sentence;
In other words, my sister’s always lying to me.
In brief
In brief means “in short”, “in a nutshell”.
Example Sentence;
In brief, we are the best.
In brief, you should not smoke.
Clearly means “frankly”, “openly”.
Example Sentence;
My teacher could not speak clearly.
Clearly you’re not a good man.
In short
In short means “briefly”, “in a nutshell”.
Example Sentence;
This is how this computer works in short.