English Uses Because, Whereas, But, Definition and Example Sentences

English Uses Because, Whereas, But, Definition and Example Sentences

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But is one of the seven coordinating conjunctions in English. But is used to join two ideas that are opposites.


•I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.

•I love dogs, but I hate cats.

•I want to call his, but I don’t have his phone number.


Because is used to show/give reason. It is followed by a complete sentence with its own subject and verb.


•She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.

•The girl ran because she was afraid.

•He is delighted because I am here.

•I like Samuel because he’s honest.


Whereas links two ideas that contrast with each other.

it used to highlight an important difference between two similar things or facts.


Whereas we did all the job, they enjoyed themselves.

•He is careful, whereas I take risks.

•All of my sisters are doctors, whereas I am a teacher.

•She is careful, whereas he takes risks

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