English Transitive Verbs, Definition and 36 Example Verbs
A transitive verb requires an object in the form of a noun or pronoun to complete its meaning. Transitive verbs are used with a direct object.
- Push
- Summon
- Preach
- Strengthen
- Elate
- Mold
- Bedazzle
- Tempt
- Chide
- Cajole
- Kindle
- Assure
- Butter
- Cuddle
- Hold
- Hug
- Enthuse
- Shine
- Gratify
- Love
- Appraise
- Relieve
- Relax
- Feed
- Turn on
- Soothe
- Grab
- Empower
- Ignite
- Praise
- Impress
- Prime
- Inflate
- Jiggle
- Teach
- Active