English Prepositional Phrases List ON
- on watch
- on schedule
- on the record
- on the road
- on oath
- on pain of
- on the air
- on balance
- on a diet
- on a journey
- on a trip
- on a large scale
- on a small scale
- on a pension
- on a regular basis
- on a spree
- on account of
- on an expedition
- on an island
- on approval
- on average
- on bail
- on behalf of
- on board
- on business
- on condition that
- on credit
- on display
- on edge
- on strike
- on suspicion of
- on the agenda
- on the assumption
- on the brink of
- on the dot
- on the edge of
- on the eve of
- on the grounds of
- on the horizon
- on the hour
- on the increase
- on the job
- on the move
- on the off-chance
- on the outskirts
- on the part of
- on the phone
- on the point of
I want to improve my spoken and written English.