English Proper Nouns, Definition and 40 Example Nouns

English Proper Nouns, Definition and 40 Example Nouns

Proper nouns refers to a unique entity, such as New York, Saturn or London.


  • Daniel
  • Quaker Oats
  • China
  • Tropicana
  • Roman Catholic
  • Deadpool
  • Rockledge
  • Daily News
  • Memorial Day
  • Paris
  • Queen
  • Pepsi-Cola
  • Germany
  • Agatha Christie
  • New York
  • Jim
  • Sydney
  • Dr. Morgan
  • Atlantic Ocean
  • September

  • Mercedes
  • Titanic
  • Russian
  • Central ark Zoo
  • Oreo
  • Wimbledon
  • Burger King
  • Herman Miller
  • Janet
  • Simon
  • The President
  • Tuesday
  • Google
  • Monday
  • Lady Gaga
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Russia
  • Poppy
  • Toyota
  • Maria

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