English Conjunctions, Definition and Example Sentences
Yet | Yet shows contrast or joins opposites. | We haven’t finished eating the watermelon yet. |
After | After tells us about order, sequence. | I can pass after the green light is on. |
Because | Because is used to show reason. | She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking. |
Although | Although is used to show two opposite statements. | Although he speaks seldom, he says meaningful words. |
Whereas | Whereas is used to show contrast. | She is very funny whereas he is boring. |
But | But is used to join two ideas that are opposites. | I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty. |
Besides | Besides means in addition to, also. It is a preposition. | She speaks three languages besides Spanish. |
Unlike | Unlike means different from, not similar to. | Jack is completely unlike his father. |
Therefore | Therefore is used to show the result /effect of an action. | She came first. Therefore she got a good seat. |
Despite | Despite is used to introduce a fact that is in sharp contrast with another fact. | Despite all her faults, everybody likes him. |
Provided | Provided means if or only if. | They can listen to music provided they disturb nobody. |
Unless | Unless means; except on the condition that | You don’t need to go unless you want to. |
Since | Since is used to show result. | Since I see you, I am better. |
So | So is used to show result. | Whoever says so is a liar. |
If | If is used to show condition. | Let me know if you go to the school. |