18 Commonly Confused Words and Definitions
accept: Receive
except: Leave out
advice: Guidance or recommendations
advise: To offer suggestions about best
bough: Branch of a tree
bow: front of a ship or to bend the head
by: Preposition
buy: Purchase
coarse: Rough
course: Way or path
dual: Having two parts
duel: Contest between two participants
for: Preposition
four: The number
loathe: to hate someone or something
loath: reluctant or unwilling
palate: Roof of the mouth
palette: Board for mixing colours
plain: Simple
plane: Flat surface
pole: Long, slender piece of wood
poll: Vote in an election
quiet: silent
quite: Really, positively
serial: happening in a series
cereal: breakfast food or edible grain
stationary: Not moving
stationery: Writing paper
than: comparison
then: At that time
to: In the direction of
too: Also
tortuous: Complex of full or twists
torturous: Suffering of full or pain
weak: poor, low, faint, thin, lean
week: Seven days
weather: Atmospheric conditions
whether: If, in case
which: what one
witch: sorceress