Business English Words and Meanings

Detailed Business English Words and Meanings

Detailed Business English Words and Meanings

Wageis the money that someone is paid every week by their employer
Earningis the total amount of money you earn from the job you do
Biannualhappening twice a year
Billboardsignboard for advertising posters
Scarcitya very small supply of resources; a lack of something
Annualhappening once a year
Deficitthe total amount by which money spent is more than money received
LucrativeProducing a lot of money; profitable
CommodityA substance or a primary product that can be traded or bought and sold usually in large quantities
InflationAn increase in the prices of goods and services over time, causing a reduction in the value of  money
MergerThe joining of two or more companies to make one larger company
Annualhappening once a year

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