Adverbs of Place, Definition and 36 Example Words

Adverbs of Place, Definition and 36 Example Words

Adverbs of place answer the question “Where”? It describes where something happens.


  • About
  • Anywhere
  • Backward/s
  • Down
  • Elsewhere
  • In
  • Near
  • On
  • Over
  • Towards
  • Underground
  • Along
  • Under
  • Above
  • Away
  • Behind
  • Downstairs
  • Far

  • Indoors
  • Nearby
  • Out
  • Upstairs
  • Overseas
  • Somewhere
  • There
  • Up
  • Abroad
  • Back
  • East
  • Here
  • Inside
  • Off
  • Outside
  • Next door
  • Right
  • Below

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