English Adverbs of Manner, Definitions and Example Words
Adverbs of manner answer the question “HOW“? It tells us how something happen.
It is usually placed after the main verb or after the object.
Here are Adverbs of Manner List;
- accidentally
- angrily
- anxiously
- awkwardly
- cheerfully
- clearly
- closely
- fortunately
- frankly
- frantically
- generously
- gently
- gladly
- gracefully
- greedily
- happily
- hard
- hastily
- healthily
- honestly
- hungrily
- hurriedly
- Inadequately
- Ingeniously
- joyously
- justly
- kindly
- lazily
- loosely
- loudly
- nervously
- noisily
- powerfully
- punctually
- quickly
- quietly
- rapidly
- rarely
- really
- recklessly
- regularly
- reluctantly
- repeatedly
- rightfully
- roughly
- rudely
- sadly
- safely
- sharply
- shyly
- silently
- sleepily
- slowly
- straight
- stupidly
- successfully
- suddenly
- suspiciously
- swiftly
- tenderly
- thoughtfully
- tightly
- truthfully
- unexpectedly
- victoriously
- violently
- vivaciously
- weakly
- wearily
- well
- wildly
- wisely