9 Words Used In Daily Life, Meaning and Example Sentences in English
Use: To take advantage of something or an object for a specific purpose.
Can I use your phone to call my mom because my phone is running out of charge?
See: Knowing the existence of something with the help of the eye, looking.
I saw you yesterday, you were tired.
Like: To enjoy something, to like it.
I like you since the first time I saw you.
Any: This word is used when talking about anything.
You don’t know how to behave in any event.
Work: To produce anything, profession, to work regularly, to serve.
Since I am sick, I will not be able to go to work today because I have a report.
Now: The moment we live, the moment we are in.
To be able to apply them in your life, now you have to listen carefully to everything I will tell you.
Such: This word is used when trying to give an example about a topic or other things.
I love reading books, but there are a few genres that I especially love to read, such as horror, adventure and science fiction.
Think: In order to make a judgment, to evaluate, compare, research, to produce thoughts, to perform mental activities.
Most: We can use this word when talking about something, an object or a subject, the most about all this.
We have learned that the most widely used language in the world is English.