Synonym Words Starting With S

English Vocabulary, Synonym Words Starting With S

English Vocabulary, Synonym Words Starting With S

sorrowwoe, anguish, grief
specialexceptional, notable, particular
spontaneousinstinctive, automatic, natural
stablesteady, unchanging, settled
stationaryfixed, immobile, firm
stimulaterouse, stir, motivate
stopquit, cease, terminate
strenuousvigorous, laborious
strictstringent, severe, stern
strongpowerful, mighty, potent
stupidunintelligent, dense, foolish
subsequentfollowing, succeeding, latter
successfulthriving, prosperous, triumphant
sufficientample, enough, adequate
superbmagnificent, exquisite
suppressrestrain, inhibit, squelch
surplusexcess, additional, extra
swiftfast, speedy, hasty
syntheticman-made, artificial

sadunhappy, dejected, gloomy
sameidentical, alike, equivalent
savageuncivilized, barbarous
savepreserve, conserve, keep
scarcescanty, rare, sparse
scrawnyskinny, gaunt, spindly
scrupulousmeticulous, ethical, fastidious
seizeapprehend, grab, snatch
separatedivide, segregate, partition
serenepeaceful, tranquil, calm
seriousgrave, solemn, pensive
shrewdclever, cunning, crafty
shybashful, timid
sickill, ailing
slimslender, thin, svelte
sluggishlistless, lethargic, inactive
smalllittle, insignificant, trivial
smoothslick, glossy, level
sociablefriendly, cordial, gregarious

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