24 Helping Verbs, Definition and 20 Example Sentences with Helping, Auxiliary Verbs

24 Helping Verbs, Definition and 20 Example Sentences with Helping, Auxiliary Verbs

Helping Verbs

“To be or not to be the whole situation is that”. Did you remember this line? You can’t imagine Batman without his loyal servant Alfred. Also, our genius detective Sherlock Holmes is nothing without her best friend and assistant Dr. John Watson. By the way, if you are interested in football you know that the wonder kid of Argentina, Lionel Messi is nothing without the midfield players like Iniesta and Xavi.

Verb + Preposition IN List in English

Verb + Preposition ABOUT List in English

Verb + Preposition FOR List in English

Verb + Preposition FROM List in English

What are the helping verbs?

In English, there are important verbs. They are called helping verbs that also known as auxiliary verbs. Their function is to assist to express the main verb’s time period, emotion, or voice.

There are three basic helping verbs. They are the following verbs in bold. To Do, To Be, To Have. They have different forms. So, let’s open these forms.

To Be has the following forms. Am, Is, Are, Was, Were. Being, Been, Will Be. The main role of “to be” is to point out the tense of the sentence or to express the passive voice.

  • I am the one who walks alone walking the dark road.
  • I was made for loving you baby.
  • This wall was made by the masonry of the late Italian city-states.

Another helping verb is to have. The forms to have are the following ones. Has, Having, Had, Will Have. This helping verb can have the same roles in a sentence as to be.

  • The captain had taken all the responsibility in the case.
  • I have been to the west side of New York City.

Also, there is to do as a helping verb. The most common usage of this helping verb is the interrogative function.

  • Did you do all the assignments I assigned you in the last lecture?
  • Do you mind just for once?
  • Where do you live, ma’ beautiful lady?

The modal auxiliary (helping) verbs:

“To do”, “to have”, and “to be” are the basic helping verbs. Actually, there are more helping verbs than them. So, what they are?

Can: Can is the helping verb that expresses the ability of the main verb.

  • I can swim better than your friends in the pool.
  • Our IT department can handle this case.

Could: Could is the past form of can. It expresses the ability of the main verb, too.

  • Edgar Allan Poe could make society respect the ravens by its famous poem, The Raven.
  • You don’t know how I was loving you. I could die for you, woman.

Must: The word,must” expresses the obligation of the main verb. It is powerful than the should.

  • You must be in your bed, little woman. Go away!
  • This terrible silence must end, it scares me.

Should: Should is the helping verb that is used to express some advice. There is no obligation in this helping verb.

  • You should be loved by a beautiful woman and be happy. I am afraid this is not me.
  • You should take all the measures when you are sailing to Philadelphia. The ocean is ruthless.

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