Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in English

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in English

AngryAngrier thanThe angriest
AttractiveMore attractive thanThe most attractive
BadWorse thanThe worst
BeautifulMore beautiful thanTheĀ  most beautiful
BraveBraver thanThe bravest
CheapCheaper thanThe cheapest
EasyEasier thanThe easiest
FamousMore famous thanThe most famous
FatFatter thanThe fattest
FunnyFunnier thanThe funniest
HappyHappier thanThe happiest
KindKinder thanThe kindest
ModernMore modern thanThe most modern
NewNewer thanThe newest
OldOlder thanThe oldest
SadSadder thanThe saddest
SillySillier thanThe silliest
SweetSweeter thanThe sweetest
UsefulMore useful thanThe most useful
WetWetter thanThe wettest
WonderfulMore wonderful thanThe most wonderful
YoungYounger thanThe youngest

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